Creative Founders January 20, 2017

Artist Bianca Timmerman’s striking portraits of bold female characters instantly draw you in with their huge eyes and high cheekbones, strong clean lines mixed with soft feminine touches, and their exotic allure. Creating under the name Bunny Bone exclusively for Nyaman Gallery in Seminyak, Bali, this talented artist took time out to tell us a little bit about where she came from and how she got to where she is today.


First things first, can you tell us a little bit about your background? Where are you from originally and where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Jakarta and am of Betawi, Chinese, Manadonese and Dutch blood.


How long have you been painting and drawing and what has your progression as an artist been like?

I always love to draw as a kid, so I would always get crayons and drawing books as birthday and Christmas pressies. I used to make my own comic strips because I liked reading Japanese manga. I’ve also been writing things like poetry, diaries and short stories since I was little. I started to scribble again about five years ago and have just been practising for fun ever since. Now that I’m involved with Nyaman Gallery, I also get to sell my fun practice stuff.


Can you explain your artwork to us and what influences you?

I love drawing girls maybe because I am a girl, so it’s easy to understand what girls are like. I love drawing big eyes and thick brows because I don’t have them, and I grew up playing with Barbie dolls and watching Disney princesses, so all my girls are like dolls. I like giving them names and making up stories about their personalities or where they come from. Most of my girls have strong characters. They`re a bit funny, a bit weird, and a bit otherworldly, but also gentle and lovely.


What inspires you daily?

My work in the gallery. I’m lucky enough to also be working in a gallery that represents my work, and being surrounded with artworks and knowing how the business works, plus constantly meeting new people really inspires me.


What are the main channels you use to market your artwork?

I only sell through Nyaman Gallery in Seminyak, Bali.


In terms of marketing, where do you find you get the most traction – online or offline?

Both. The gallery approaches people both online and personally. The balance works very well I think.


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced turning your passion into a career?

Having to accept that there are people who don’t like my work, having people tell me how I should do my art, and having my art measured by money. However, all of these things have been good learning experiences.


As an entrepreneur are there any areas you would like to improve on?

I would like to learn more about the gallery business so I can become more solid in that. It’s all still very new to me, but so far it’s all good and very exciting!


Is there any advice you can give to artists out there looking to turn their passion into a business?

 Remember to have fun and never forget that!


Can you tell us about one creative female entrepreneur in your community who inspires you and who you would like to shine the spotlight on?

Naomi Samara. I think what she’s doing is really beautiful. I love her paintings and her gallery, Ghostbird Swoon.


Check out more of Bianca’s work and please show your support!




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Artist Bianca Timmerman


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